Elementary School – graduate Profile

At Beehive School we focus on the overall personality development of the child, which consists of social, emotional, physical, and cultural needs.

STUDENT PROFILE (Beehive School)

The student is equipped with the following competences:

  • Learning
  • Problem solving
  • Communicative
  • Working
  • Social
  • Is aware of the needs of others and of one’s own
  • Is able to work in a group
  • Follows the rules
  • Acknowledges a mistake
  • Has a sense of honor and justice
  • Contributes to the positive results of the entire team
  • Can express the joy of the well-done group projects
  • Has a positive attitude towards learning
  • Is inquisitive and persistent in finding solutions
  • Is capable of logical and critical thinking
  • Actively participates in studying
  • Can dialogue in both English and Czech
  • Observes the views of others in Czech and English
  • Tries to lean a lesson from his/her own mistake
  • Is aware of its own strengths and weaknesses, and can work with them constructively Understands the multicultural nature of society and demonstrates respect for people of different perceptions, ways of life, ethnic origin or faith
  • Behaves considerately to his surroundings
  • Complies with the principles of a healthy lifestyle
  • Develops his own interests and strives to spend the time productively
  • Is a great candidate for studies at prestigious international schools

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