Admission to the 1st grade class

For the 2020/2021 school year, we accept a maximum of 16 pupils in the 1st class.

Contact: Mgr. Klára Dočekalová,, Amy Kokeš,

The procedure for admission to the first class in our school is as follows:

1) Motivational interview

If you are interested in enrolling a child, we will meet with you, parents, in a personalized individual meeting to discuss your ideas about your child's education, what you expect from a school and whether we can expect to meet these expectations. We will also be happy to answer your questions about the functioning of our school. Motivational interviews will be conducted on an ongoing basis and their capacity is limited.

2) Open Door Days - 4.2. - 7.2.2020

For those interested in admission to the 1st grade class we organize open days, where it will be possible to attend classes and familiarize yourself with a regular school day. Teachers and school management will be available to answer your questions.


3) Trial day - 21.3 and 27.3.2020

The trial day will take place during a morning group meeting of children in the classroom, where they will work with our teachers in smaller groups. In this meeting, we will focus on social adaptability, verify your child's readiness for compulsory education, and determine his / her level of English.


4) Minutes - 2.4.2020

It is necessary to register your child in advance for registration only after a successful motivation interview and trial day. The registration shall be based on the criteria set out below.


Criteria for admitting pupils to compulsory education:

(a) compliance of parents' expectations with the educational strategies of the school

A motivational interview will be held with the parents of the enrolled child before the enrollment deadline to determine the consistency of the educational strategies of the school and the family. The evaluation of this criterion will also take into account the suitability of the educational strategies used for the child.

(b) the level of English

Since we are a bilingual school, we do not start with English from the beginning in the first grade. Children should already have communicative knowledge of the English language when entering the first grade.

(c) prerequisites for the inclusion of the child in the classroom

When evaluating this criterion, the optimal setting of the social climate of the class is crucial for us. We start from the child's personality profile and set up a class team to be varied and balanced.

(d) additional criteria

In the case of a higher number of candidates than the vacancies offered, the following may be considered:

  • The child's sibling is a pupil of Beehive Primary school, 
  • the child attended Beehive Preschool
  • the family is interested in the admission of more children, ie siblings

5) Admission of a child

We will inform you of the results of the registration no later than 14 days after the end of the registration. If your child is accepted, the contract will be signed at an individually agreed date. If your child is not accepted, the decision will be delivered to you in writing. 

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